3 Ways to Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Pro

3 Ways to Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Pro

Most Microsoft users have been happy with their Windows 10 Home OS. However, certain new features are available if you upgrade to Windows 10 Pro edition only.

The majority of Microsoft users are pleased with their Windows 10 Home operating system. Certain new features, however, are only available in the Windows 10 Pro version.

Most customers purchasing or building a Windows 10 PC will encounter either the “Home” or “Pro” versions of the operating system. Many people will not notice or care which version of Windows they are using as long as it is Windows 10 and does what they want it to do.

However, for others, it’s a must to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, and if it doesn’t come with the PC you purchase, you’ll have to pay to upgrade. Recent Windows 10 feature updates, such as the April 2018 and May 2019 Windows 10 updates, incorporate more Pro-specific functionality, and several people have given the Pro version positive feedback.

So, while it’s more expensive than the standard Home version, is an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro worth it for you?

Windows 10 Professional doesn’t take anything away from those who prefer the Home edition. It simply adds more sophisticated features. It’s a costly choice, but all the add-ons can make it all worthwhile.

And for you to realize what I’m saying, let’s look at some points that can justify Windows 10 Pro being the wiser choice.

I – Windows 10 Home vs. Windows 10 Pro Pricing

In general, you can pay $103.20 (as of August 2019) to activate Windows 10 Home from Softvire. This is at least $10 less than buying directly from Microsoft. This is a perpetual license, so it’s relatively affordable in the long run.

Another alternative is to buy a license for a “system builder” from an online retailer. This is typically the preferred option among enthusiasts, but it provides no support or even instructions from Microsoft.

Meanwhile, Windows 10 Pro is at $101.2 at Softvire. This is almost $100 cheaper than the price of Microsoft.

II – 5 Features of Windows 10 Professional Version You Shouldn’t Miss

Microsoft developed a helpful website comparing the different Windows 10 versions and outlining the benefits of upgrading to Windows Pro. The factors were classified into four groups: fundamentals, management and implementation, stability, and Windows updates. All of them are important to both power users and more conventional businesses.

But here, we’ll offer you 5 of the best features of Windows 10 Pro that you wouldn’t want to miss.

  1. BitLocker

Microsoft has made huge strides over the past few years when it comes to security. That includes BitLocker, which uses encryption to lock your content behind a password securely.

In other words, hackers and criminals are going to have an extremely tough time accessing your data.

BitLocker offers something in addition to the security you already have in place. You can securely save your data to external drives, like a USB drive.

If you’re working on your laptop, for example, at a café and need to use the comfort room, you can import it to an external drive with BitLocker. Others who try to look at it won’t access that important file even if they steal your laptop or thumb drive because they won’t get past the encryption. They’ll need your password to do that.

  1. Remote access

You can remotely access your computer or have an IT professional remotely access it for you. This comes in handy if you need someone to help you fix a problem on your computer or train you on a new software program.

With Windows 10 Pro, you have more control over remotely accessing your computer than you do with the regular version. That comes in handy, especially if you sometimes work from home.

  1. Client Hyper-V

You can create a virtual PC on your laptop, in addition to the laptop you use every day. You may want this virtual PC for a different operating system, for example, or to experiment with software that could otherwise mess up all the programs and data you have on your laptop.

  1. Edge security

The internet is a dangerous place. It certainly can be if you access the Dark Web, for example, or if you think about all the data breaches that happened in the past like eBay, Google, Yahoo, and so much more.

Microsoft’s web browser, Edge, keeps you secure with Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG). It’s designed for businesses. Malicious sites won’t affect your PCs.

  1. Update for business

There’s nothing more frustrating at work than having your Windows 10 computer suddenly shut down for a security update. That can sometimes take hours, essentially ruining your workday.

One of the great things about Windows 10 for most users is that you automatically get security updates and patches. But, at work with Windows 10 Pro, you can delay those updates to a more convenient and less disruptive time, such as the weekend or your day off.

Ways to Upgrade Your OS from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro

If you’re convinced that Windows 10 Pro is the way to go, then here are some ways to upgrade to Pro Edition from Home:

1. Upgrading Windows 10 Home via the Windows Store

If you haven’t paid anything for the upgrade yet, and no one has handed you a copy of Pro, the most straightforward way to upgrade is using the Windows Store.

2. Upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro via a License Key/Digital License

If you already have a copy of the software, what you’ll need to make it function is a Product Key (alternately called a license key). You’ll need it to replace your current license key.

Upgrading with an existing Windows 10 OS and a product key will be elementary. You need to follow these steps:

  • Make sure you’re up to date on any Windows Updates.
  • Navigate again to Start Menu > Settings > Updates and Security > Activation.
  • Under Activation, select the Change product key.

3. How to Transfer Your Upgrade

Since you had a full operating system before this upgrade, you can remove it from its current machine and use it on another. You’re effectively reinstalling your original license, which will make the upgrade available again. If you need to do this:

  • Look at the bottom of your Windows laptop or on the top/side of a desktop tower. There might be a sticker there showing your original Windows product key; alternatively, it might be in the manuals and other material that came in your PC’s box.
  • Enter the key in the Change product key dialog as noted above, and you’ll effectively “downgrade” to your old Home license.

Your upgrade license should now be freed up to be installed on another machine.

Ultimately the decision is yours to make, but if remote desktop functionality, for example, is all you want, there are ways to achieve this without spending over 100 bucks. Home PCs and laptops will be fine on Windows 10 Home for most people, most of the time. However, if you’re running a small business or perhaps plan to develop software, Windows 10 Pro would definitely be a wise investment.


So, check our Softvire online software store for other Microsoft digital products we have on sale to make your purchase more worthwhile. Follow us on @SoftvireGlobal for the latest updates on our best deals and promos.

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