About Us

Softvire Global Market


SOFTVIRE is the leading online software market that sells Microsoft products for individual users and business customers. We offer products from Microsoft Operating Systems to Microsoft 365 subscription plan.

Softvire has been in the industry for years, providing high-end software that helps individuals and businesses with their needs. We serve our customers with the best prices on Microsoft products and award-winning services such as before and after-sales and technical support when needed.

Since 2005, we have been serving our customers with the best prices and award-winning service. We provide before and after-sales customer service, technical support, and training when needed.

Our customers include corporations, individual users, key retail chains, and retailers. This portal is designed for individual customers shopping for retail products. Individual customers can shop online to enjoy the best and lowest prices with incredible offers and deals.

Businesses should contact us first to gain access to special corporate deals tailor-fit to their particular needs. Enjoy on-going corporate rates and support through our registered reseller program.

Registered Resellers will get special wholesale dealer prices depends on the extent of the prospective order. Please contact your relevant Account Manager to get an instant quote.

Check the other Microsoft digital products we have on sale to make your purchase more worthwhile. You can also bundle your Microsoft products with our other online software on sale now.

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