How Microsoft Windows Server Boosts Mobile App Marketing Strategies - Softvire Global Market

How Microsoft Windows Server Boosts Mobile App Marketing Strategies

Mobile Apps

Technology is always evolving, and practically everything has gone mobile in recent years. People are constantly on the move, and the convenience provided by mobile devices has led to an increase in their use. As a result, the rise of mobile phones has altered how technology affects people’s daily lives and lifestyles.

One sector that has grown in recent years as the mobile trend has shown no signs of slowing down is mobile app development.

What Exactly are Mobile Apps?

Even for non-technologists, application software designed to run on mobile devices, often known as mobile applications or mobile apps, is very common these days. Mobile applications are frequently small, standalone software units with limited functionality that provide users with services similar to those available on PCs.

Different Mobile Apps

  • Social Media Apps

These smartphone apps, which are currently the most popular, have become a part of our daily lives. In addition, with 4.2 billion individuals checking social networking sites every day for updates, social media apps have made it easier and simpler to use than the web page version.

  • Mobile Gaming Apps

People who aren’t on social media may be looking for apps to keep them entertained. In this technological growth, the gaming and entertainment business is one of the largest and most competitive.

Gaming apps are one of the most popular genres for developers since, like social network apps, consumers return to them several times a week, if not every day, and they are sometimes referred to as “addictive.”

  • Mobile Utility Apps

Almost all mobile phones come with apps already installed and used for a certain purpose. Weather, reminders, alarms, calculators, and flashlights are a few examples of this type.

  • Lifestyle Mobile Apps

The rise of mobile has had a huge impact on how people connect and live their lives. People have been utilizing their phones and mobile apps to find the best song for their mood, the best restaurant to dine at, the best fitness objectives to achieve, and the best hotel to stay in on their next vacation.

By supporting many people in defining their lifestyle, these apps have carved out a considerable piece of the mobile app market as it has grown in recent years.

  • News and Information Mobile Apps

People have turned to news and information mobile applications to acquire the information they want while remaining up to date on the most recent headlines and news stories.



Mobile App Marketing Defined

It’s one thing to design a mobile application; it’s quite another to get it noticed and downloaded. Mobile application marketing is the technique of building marketing campaigns for your created applications to reach their target consumers.

This process encompasses more than simply discovering and installing your app; it also encompasses your users’ complete experience while using it.

Many different approaches will be required to successfully bring your product to your target audience and guarantee that it is a successful and lucrative endeavor.

Mobile App Marketing Techniques

  • Recognize Your Target Audience

It’s vital to define and identify who your app is being designed for, whether you’re going to create one or are already in the process. If you don’t know who will use it and benefit from it, your mobile app will be ineffective, and you will not make the expected profit.

Make your intentions known to your intended audience. Find out everything you can about their demographics. Learn more about the people who will pay for the product you’ve built by getting to know them better.

Discover their lifestyle, spending habits, hobbies, and interests, as well as other details that can help your app be more personalized for them. While some applications, such as social networking apps, maybe appealing to everyone, the vast majority do not, and yours may be one of them.

  • Know More About Your Competitors

Your application cannot be identified as a duplicate of another because doing so will jeopardize any of your goals. While knowing your target audience is important, knowing your competition is vital for remaining relevant and distinctive.

Understand your unique value offer, as well as the names, internet presences, and listings of your competitors. Then, investigate how their marketing strategies work to create and implement your plan properly.

  • Be keen on ASO or App Store Optimization

With over 5 million apps available for download on mobile app marketplaces, competition for app store optimization (ASO) is severe. You must make your app visible to your target market and rank high in search results.

You’ll need to do App Store Optimization (ASO), which is the process of enhancing your visibility and click-through rate in mobile app stores. This is akin to optimizing your website so that it appears in search engines and attracts people.

The sole difference between ASO and SEO when it comes to mobile applications is the ranking variables. The number of downloads determines a mobile app’s ranking in app stores, and consumers looking for a specific app usually only look at the first five results. This is why optimizing your program for various platforms is crucial.

Plan your title and concentrate on your description carefully. Create a functional and appealing landing page for your store. Your icon should be visually pleasing as well as memorable. Make your selling features and benefits clear, as these are the variables that determine whether consumers will stay and buy your program or move on to the next.

  • Use Social Media Ads

We have data that show that people use social media. Social media is used by about 53.6% of the world’s population, and the figure is growing by the day. So using these platforms to market your software can significantly increase its visibility.

Targeted advertisements on social media giants such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can help you increase your brand’s visibility online.

  • Work with Social Media Influencers

Several examples of companies and organizations have successfully employed this strategy to increase the visibility of their names, products, and services while standing out from the competition.

Working with influencers with 1,000 to 10 thousand followers can help directly market your app to their followers while also being a less expensive alternative to other forms of advertising.


How Microsoft Server can Boost Your Mobile App



First and foremost, allow me to explain how the server works. A server acts as the intermediary or middleman, serving whatever is asked of it, while all browsers or mobile applications function as clients. As a result, the web is entirely based on client-server communication.

Using the previously mentioned example, an eBay-like app receives a product from a user (client action), stores it on the server (client requests to the server in the background to store this product on the server), and a second user opens the app (client action).

Then client searches for a product (mobile client requests to the server to return that product if it is valid and matches search criteria). After this step, he can purchase the product (the mobile client will request from the server to complete the purchase).

To communicate with online apps, mobile applications, or desktop apps, you must realize that there will always be a server involved. For example, even with file-sharing programs such as ShareIt, one mobile app serves as a server, while the identical software on a different mobile device serves as a client.

This is where Microsoft Servers come into play significantly. First off, not all servers have a long-standing, reliable reputation as Microsoft servers have. Windows Server Datacenter is the server operating system option to scale up your mobile app’s digital infrastructure with reliable technology.

In addition, Microsoft Server allows you to blend your on-premises solutions with the cloud without having to re-engineer base, systems management, or applications. 

Microsoft Windows Server has the following features:

  • Operating-System Security

Server 2012 will protect your operating system and active workload from harmful threats. Detect suspicious activities as well to prevent new risks from emerging. You can also regulate access, safeguard your virtual machines, and safeguard your platform against emerging risks with new security capabilities.

  • A Reasonably Priced High-Performance Storage Solution

Microsoft Server 2012 Datacenter’s enhanced features help you save storage space. Make your own virtualized storage pools to boost performance and backups.




  • With an eye toward mobility

Allow your IT team to respond more quickly and efficiently to any business demands by allowing them to work from nearly anywhere. The reach of your technical team is virtually limitless when you use Windows Server 2012’s cloud architecture.

Create Engaging Apps for iOS, Android, and Windows with Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure


Windows not only provides server support, but you can also build engaging applications for different platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows with Microsoft Azure services.

With Azure, you get customer segmentation in broadcast push, along with the Azure Active Directory that enables enterprise single sign-on. In addition, you can scale automatically to handle millions of devices. Your apps may also operate and sync even when they are not connected to the internet. Lastly, you can easily integrate your app with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

Here are other features of Azure that have convinced top mobile apps to avail of this top-of-the-line app builder:

  • Quick Creation Mobile Apps that Bring Conversion

Use Azure App Service’s Mobile Applications feature to quickly develop compelling cross-platform and native apps for iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac; store app data in the cloud or on-premises; authenticate consumers; deliver push notifications, or add custom back-end logic in C# or Node.js.

  • Corporate Sign-in from the Get-Go

Using Azure Active Directory, you can authenticate your customers, connect more securely to on-premises resources like SAP, Oracle, SQL Server, and SharePoint, and develop enterprise-grade apps for your staff using cross-platform frameworks Xamarin and PhoneGap.

  • Offline Data Sync to Create Responsive Apps

Produce powerful apps that stay usable even when there are network outages, allowing your consumers to create and alter data even when they are offline. Caching server data locally on the device improves app responsiveness. Mobile Apps may be used to deliver a native sync experience across your iOS, Android, and Windows apps.


Good Mobile App Marketing Starts with a Reliable Mobile App

Mobile App Marketing Starts with a Reliable Mobile App - Twitter - Softvire Global Market


Mobile app marketing may be an important component in making your app stand out from the crowd. However, without a reliable mobile app, your promotion will be in vain. You need to build the right app that meets exactly what your niche needs. It should be at the core of your mobile app strategies.

Integrating reliable, cloud-based solutions such as Microsoft Server should be a staple as well. Thousands of apps are available on app stores each month. Using these reliable strategies helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Because most organizations are transitioning to the online, we need the finest technology to deal with the changes. The demand for mobile apps has only risen significantly amid the global pandemic. It is proof that mobile app marketing should also be your focus in your brand awareness efforts.

Because of this, you will need solutions that can handle so many demands. People rely on mobile apps to stay connected, collaborate, and conduct their daily activities with ease.

Conclusion: Microsoft Recognizes Your Needs

Definitely, Microsoft has a keen sense of what consumers want and need. As a result, it offers the most versatile and suitable productivity tools to accommodate every individual, family, business, and organization. Even remote working with Microsoft tools proves to be a standout among distributed teams thriving in these changing and challenging times.

Softvire Global Market is a legit distributor of Microsoft products fit for every family, business, or enterprise. Moreover, it provides the best deals for B2B/B2C companies.

Check our Softvire online software store for other Microsoft digital products, licenses, and physical boxes we have on sale to make your purchase more worthwhile. Follow us on @SoftvireGlobalMarket for the latest updates on our best deals and promos.

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