Return & Refund Policy

In instances where your purchase doesn’t satisfy you, you can get in touch with our sales team one (1) day after receiving the items physically. You can send us your return and refund request at within the allowed time so we can resolve the problem.

This refund policy does not apply to goods that have been used or damaged if any attempt has been made to alter the product or if they have been dropped or broken after delivery. All products must be returned in their original condition. Please note that this refund policy does not apply to digital, electronic, or ESD products. Digital keys/licenses are considered USED once delivered via email. This follows that we have, in any way, no means to verify whether the key has already been activated/redeemed by the customer or not.

All postage and insurance costs are to be paid by the buyer. We recommend you return the product via Registered post and pre-pay all postage. You assume any risk of lost, theft, or damaged goods during transit, and therefore advise you to avail and register your shipment for insurance with your postal carrier. Softvire will not be responsible for parcels lost or damaged in transit if you choose not to insure.

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